Secret Kindness Agents
Inspired by Dr. Ferial’s Pearson’s Secret Kindness Agents Project.
by Brian Guehring
About The Show!
Secret Agents Glitter Waffles, Chameleon, Stinger and Ringleader have been recruited by Agent Sunflower (currently undercover at Ellis Elementary School as a school counselor) to make their school a kinder place for all. The school has been overcome with the winter blues, excessive grumpiness, school testing stress and an overall dark cloud of doom and gloom. Will these elementary school students succeed in their secret spy missions? Can they break the secret codes from headquarters? Will their secret agency be discovered? Will they make a difference in this school? Will their excessive use of glitter attract the ire of the janitor? Will they work together better than a herd of cats? What does a glitter waffle taste like and what kind of syrup do you put on it? Join us for this exciting spy-tastic adventure play!
Inspired by Omaha educator Dr. Ferial Pearson’s Secret Kindness Agents project, which has been implemented in over 500 schools around the world from preschool through university level.
Audition Information
The Rose is holding auditions for roles in its 2025 production of Secret Kindness Agents directed by Matt Gutschick. We will be casting both adult & youth (10+) roles for this production. Please see the audition details and character breakdown below.
Audition RegistrationSubmit Video Audition
*In-person registration is not required to submit a video audition
Time Commitment
- Rehearsals: Secret Kindness Agents actors must be available for weeknight & weekend rehearsals from December 3 – January 15. Rehearsals will be held at our downtown location.
- Performances: A Christmas Story actors must be available for weekday daytime performances as well as weekend performances from January 16 – February 2. See calendar full calendar here.
Adult Actor Compensation is $2,750. Most favored nation terms in effect. Please email with any questions.
When, Where & How to Audition
- In-person auditions on Monday September 23rd from 5:00-7:15p OR Submit a video audition by 11:59pm on Sunday, September 22nd.
- In person auditions will take place at the The Rose Theater, 2001 Farnam Street, Omaha, NE 68102
- Callbacks: Tuesday, September 24th from 5:30-9:30pm also at The Rose Theater.
What to Prepare
Come prepared to read from the provided sides. Those auditioning in person will read in groups with other auditionees. If submitting a video audition, please have someone out of frame read opposite of you.
- Provided sides can be found in the registration & video submission forms.
Character Breakdown
Please note that the pronouns listed next to the character are those used in the script. We are looking to cast actors of all identities for all roles.
- Student A (a.k.a. Agent Ringleader)
A kind thoughtful 4th Grader. She is decisive and a leader. She takes on the problems of her friends. - Student B (a.k.a. Agent Chameleon)
A thoughtful, shy, and nervous 4th grader. She is an observer. She likes to figure out how things work. - Student C (a.k.a. Agent Stinger)
A tough-looking, independent, deep-thinking, and athletic 5th grader. - Student D (a.k.a. Agent Glitter Waffles)
A very boisterous and theatrical 3rd Grader.
- Student E
A quiet, stealthy 5th grader. Student Council President. A snooper. - Student F
A laid back, chill 5th grader. - Student G
A nice, studious 4th Grader. Friends with Adeline and Esme. - Student H
The 3rd grade class clown. - Mrs. Kedves (a.k.a. Agent Sunflower)
The School Counselor of Ellis Elementary School, starting her first year at the school. Leader of the Secret Agents of Kindness branch at the school. - Principal Bonner
The School Principal who is very focused on standardized testing. - Mr. Senft
The school Janitor who takes pride in the cleanliness of the school
(Also plays THE GUARD) - Ms. Acanda
A 4th Grade Teacher who is a sticker for the rules, and runs the after school choir